July 27, 2024

War On Terror: Should It Be Exercised On The Social Media?

Things that we take for granted with Social Media on our security as a country or our own personal security as Americans, is not what we presumably take for granted. What are Social Media companies doing to protect their users amp; what is our National Security doing about this War On Terror within our own Internet everyday issues? You hop on the Internet amp; go to your web page assuming that all is fair amp; well. But is it really? Do you really know who or whom you might innocently be following or who might be following you which might possibly be compromising our country, your accounts, or even your own safety?

I, just like each of you, forget about such things when I sign online amp; go about my daily rituals of going from one site to the next. However, it was November of 2012 in which I had an awakening as I had yet to have online. I have long since learned that you can’t have too much security protection online amp; I always try my best, as most of you do, to have the newest or the best that I can find to protect myself, my site accounts, emails, amp; computer as much as possible. Feeling secure in that confidence, I signed online amp; went about my business when I decided due to so many followers on my account to check them before I followed them back. Upon checking them, I was in horror. The nightmare which I only presumed that happened to others, had in fact happened to me.

At first, I was in such shock, disdain, amp; fear that I couldn’t think straight. Then, I became angered that such a thing could happen in this day amp; time at all. Once I had calmed down, I decided it was best to ask for advice from someone with much better skills amp; knowledge than I attained. This soothed me amp; helped me keep my wits about myself as I began to accomplish this. I was grateful to this person for finally taking me serious amp; for giving me the advice I sought.

I quickly called one of our security agents. I gave them the information which I had gathered upon my sweep of my account with one of my newly acquired programs. Even though I was made to feel as if I were nuttier than a fruitcake, I had dealt with them enough to know the true score. I didn’t allow the interaction to deter me from my mission which was for them to take action while at the same time to take me serious, prove I was in fact helping them amp; our country, while at the same token, seek help for myself. Throughout the conversation, I made sure to offer information that would help them in accomplishing the goal which I needed them to. I even played the mind game checking them back as they checked my sources. Once I felt that the issue would be handled, I thanked them along with being able to finally utter a sigh of relief, knowing I had done the right thing. The following day when I signed back into my site, I was relieved to see that the situation had been resolved but feeling that same kind of security I had once felt upon coming online in the past, I knew had changed forever. I learned to stay vigilant amp; take safer measures, not to mention to take War on Terror to a whole different way of thinking. I vowed not to take my security for granted again amp; not to become lack-a-daisy about changing security passwords as often as possible.

The questionhow to get instagram views is frequently asked through different person. The security program of the social account should be checked while operating them. There are never any fire sure ways to depend upon your security programs. This is only one reason why more than one should be used amp; used often with good measure. When one is using the internet, don’t always assume that all is well, don’t get lazy, check, check, amp; then re-check, scan, scan, amp; then re-scan. Keep a log of each time you change your passwords, scan your computer, renewal dates, or of any suspicious followers to watch until you have determined if you are just nervous for a reason or not. There are times in which someone you suspect is completely innocent amp; then there are times, with the right programs at hand, you know that in fact, they aren’t. Should you encounter one of those sure times that they aren’t innocent, write down all you can about the account or person whom you think you’re dealing with, research as much as you can, amp; then should you find out that your suspicions are correct, contact the authorities, should it be your local police station, FBI agency, or the main FBI number.

Hold your ground, stay focused, be firm yet respectful, amp; deliver your message clearly. If you have time, write a short brief or write notes to make sure you’ve covered all that they need to take affirmative action. Most importantly, don’t, I repeat, don’t make calling them an everyday or every month event. Don’t waste their time amp; ruin your chances of never being taken serious, for it’s the one time when you desperately need them, they won’t respond. The system works when used correctly. Just remember, don’t take anything for granted in this day amp; age. Yesterday it happened to me, tomorrow, it could be you or someone you know. Never assume that the Social Network is secure. They’re hacked into all the time amp; face it, we don’t know who could be working for them, if in fact, they are at all. Learn to pay attention amp; use caution as much as possible.