July 27, 2024

Dealing with Back Pain

If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from back pain on a daily basis, daily life can be a living hell. Fortunately, there are simple solutions to a problem that seems suffocating. Changing small things, like how you hold the phone next to your ear, or improper lifting can put unnecessary strain on your back, as can bad posture. Leading spine physicians agree on simple strategies to keeping your back healthy and as strong as possible. You should also get assistance from one of the Best Pain Doctor in Austin to help you with your condition and start improvement. 

First, take a good look at the way you sleep. Is your mattress medium-to-firm? Experts say it should be. If you are not a natural back sleeper, give it a try. Put a pillow under your knees to alleviate the tension if you are experiencing back pain. You can also try lying on your side. This position is good if both of your legs are bent and stacked on top of each other. You can also put a pillow between your knees in this position as well.

Good posture is very important to the health of your spine and back. The muscles surrounding the lower spine are very vulnerable to injury because they support our entire body weight when we stand, sit, walk, and anything else you can imagine. The way we stand should be so that our spine maintains its “S” shape. Stand straight in line with both feet flat on the floor, shoulder width apart and your shoulders in line with your hips and heels. Suck in your tummy muscles to help keep your posture upright. If you sit in front of a computer, use that time to work on your posture. Position your keyboard so your forearms and chin are parallel to the floor, and change the height of your seat so your knees are just a bit higher than your hips. Use a box or an old phonebook if necessary. This should help you keep from sliding forward. Lumbar pillows are also good for helping to maintain the curve in your spine. If you have to lift something heavy, do it properly or you will pay for it later. Stand close to the object, roll your shoulders back and keep your back straight as you bend at your knees and squat. With a firm grip on the object, use your legs to push yourself back up. If the object is still too heavy, ask for help.

Exercise can work wonders for an aching back. In addition to strengthening your back muscles, it also makes them more resistant to strain. On your bed or on the floor, start stretching in the morning. Lie on your back with both legs bent, feet flat on your bed. Grab your right knee with both hands and bring it to your chest. Hold for 10 seconds. You should feel your lower back lengthening. Do this again with the other leg or do both legs at the same time. To strengthen your back, lie on your stomach with your arms bent and close to your sides. Raise your head to look at the wall. Lift your chest 2-5 inches and support your body weight with your hands. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then lower your chest.

Walking can help relieve back soreness. Getting your body moving will get oxygen, blood, and nutrients flowing throughout your system. Take breaks throughout your day, at home or in the office, to walk around and stretch for 2-3 minutes every hour. Take your lunch break in the local park, near your home or office or pick a spot where you can walk and enjoy nature but stick to it every day. Get back to basics and walk to your neighbor or friends house instead of calling or e-mailing them. If your child is playing down the street, walk to where he is rather than yelling “Dinner’s ready!”

If you are overweight or obese, extra pounds can put a strain on your spine as well. Check with your doctor about getting on a safe diet plan to help your back and your overall health.

Ice packs applied to painful backs can help reduce inflammation. Keep the pack on for 20 minutes and then use a heating pad to relax tight muscles.

When you are seated, put a rolled up towel or pillow behind the small of your back to support the natural “S” shape of your spine.

Use a tennis ball to give yourself a back massage. Put the ball on the sore spot and sit up against the wall. This can help loosen tight muscles and give you temporary relief.

Having the right bed pillow can help prevent back and neck pain. Get one that isn’t too bulky or too thin. There are specialty contoured cervical pillows on the market that are made specifically to support your neck.

If you wear high-heels, you may want to switch to flats or wear heels no taller than one inch. Heels can get your alignment and spine out of whack and make you more at risk for back pain.