July 27, 2024

Discover Why Fad Diets Dont Help You To Lose Fat

I am sure you have noticed big headlines in a popular magazines like Us Weekly, Touch, Oprah etc… All claiming that you will lose pounds easily without any hurdles like the top celebrities did. E.g. “Eat This Miracle Fruit And Lose 35 Lbs In A Week” or “Top 10 Exercises To Skinny You” and many more.

You can use freeze your thigh fat effectively to have more benefits. The reduction in the weight is possible according to the needs and requirements of the people. The choosing of the exercise from the top 10 is necessary to have adequate results.

All these are just brainwashing you, the general public, about some new fad diet craze.

Now I have promised myself to take an action step, that will help you spot Fad Diets in a second. That will prevent you from yo-yo-dieting or frustration many of these fad diets put on your shoulders.

Here Is One Reason Why Fad Diets Don’t Work:

This one is just common sense. Look around you! Do you see fat people walking around? Now look at how many fad diets are out there – Zone, Atkins, South Beach Diet, Nutra-System, La Diet, Jenny Craig Diet and thousands of others.

There are literary thousands of fad diets, yet millions and millions people turn obese every year! So do the fad diets work?

It would make sense, but the opposite is true. For which my common sense responds, that fad diets do not work! If they would, you would see skinny people all day long.

Other Reason Why Fad Diets Don’t Work:

Many of these fad diets will let you lower calories, starve yourself or remove food groups like carbs or protein or fiber foods from your diet.

That is not healthy way of eating. Why? Well, if you starve yourself, your body naturally responds and your inside mechanism switch to a fat storage mode.

You cannot do much about it. Your body does it by itself. It’s a gift from evolution, where hunters needed to survive even without eating for long periods of time. I guess that time catching a Mammoth was not as easy. So for the time they were preparing for the next feast, their body had to breakdown fat for energy so they can keep going and going. When they caught something, the food digested converted to fat again.

So what’s next?

Simply stop reading books about these fad diets. Now you know they do not work anyway so why waste time and money on them?

Finally, you do not want to skip meals, otherwise your metabolism will slow down and you would start storing fat for your own preservation.

Then just combine all the healthy eating habits with regular exercise like jogging, yoga, martial arts, or what ever you like. Only then you will see new improvements towards healthier you.

Remember: stop looking for a fad diets and change your lifestyle habits to become healthier you again.