July 27, 2024

Where Is All My Money Going?

College tuition fees vary based on the type of degree you are getting according to the University of Arkansas. When applying to attend school at the University of Arkansas the website will give you a breakdown of tuition and fees. The University will also explain all fees to you. Generally the type of degree you are going to school for will influence the price of your college education. For instance students of a Business major will likely pay more than a student with a Liberal Arts and Science major would. What follows is a sample breakdown of tuition and fees. These expenses are also inclusive of various tuitions that you may undertake during your year such as History tuition and moreThe following are common fees from the University of Arkansas which I would have paid while I was a student there. This list is not all encompassing but will give you an idea of how your money is being spent. 


The actual fee for classroom learning sessions. Tuition is based upon the number of enrolled hours. 

Room and Board 

The fee for dorm room and meal plans. 

Transit Fee 

This is the fee for using university transportation such as busses. 



Technology Fee 

Used to improve computer access for students which include lab support, training programs, and computer facilities. 

Student Readership Fee 

Fee for Student Produced Paper, Payment for the new health center. 

Student Health Debt Fee 

Payment for the new health center. 

Student Concert Fee 

Concert fee provides access for two major concerts each academic year. 

Student Activity Fee 

Activity Fee provides a schedule of cultural, social, educational, and recreational events. 

Safe Ride Fee 

Safe Ride fee funds the student government associations Safe Ride program which offers a safe ride to students who have had too much to drink. 



Network and Data Systems Fee 

Support for the development and operation of the network. This network serves computer labs and other facilities containing computers wired to the network. 

Media Fee 

Media Fee helps fund student publications such as the newspaper and yearbook. 


HYPER Fee provides a portion of operational costs of the HYPER building where students access all types of fitness equipment. 

Health Fee 

Health Fee gives the student health care services at the Student Health Center. 

Fine Arts Fee 

Fine Arts Fee is used to support cultural events for students on campus and at the Walton Arts center. 

Facilities Fee 

Facilities Fee is used for facilities needs. 

Enhanced Learning Center 

Enhanced Learning Center is a place students can go to find academic support. 

Distinguished Lecture Fee 

Distinguished Lecture Fee is used to bring in speakers that are accomplished in the field of Arts, Entertainment, or World Events. They will deliver a world view to students that aren’t found on campus. 



ASG Fee 

ASG Fee gives the student government the ability to make funding available for over 250 registered students’ organizations on campus. These organizations will help students develop friendships, network, and leadership skills. 

Arkansas Union Fee 

The Arkansas Union gives students a place to meet, eat, use computers, shop in the book and other shops, and much more. 

When applying for college the school website should explain how much the education will cost as well as what the fees are and what they are for. Good luck with your college education.