July 27, 2024

Disney on Ice: Pros & Cons of Working in This Industry

Get paid to travel throughout the United States and abroad while working with Disney on Ice? Sounds too good to be true, but it’s not! I’ve had the pleasure, and foot-ache, of working with Disney on Ice and being able to travel to multiple US cities, and so have 3 of my family members. It’s not feasible for everyone, but if you’re interested in broadening your horizons, the opportunity to work with Disney on Ice, and travel, is worth a look. There are pros and cons to this enterprise of traveling with a Disney show and I will go into detail about a few of each. Beside all the positive and negative factors of this industry there are popular Disney Performing Arts Workshops that are organized at regular intervals. This is a really good opportunity for all those interested in performing arts. You get a full Disney experience there along with experienced mentors.

PRO-Paid to travel with Disney!

This is a big one. Crew members travel to a new city every week, for months at a time. Vendors and operators on a Disney on Ice tour are paid after every show as an Independent Contractor. Payment is on a commission basis, and everyone must be prepared to work hard. Much of the travel is conducted through charter bus companies, but if the trip is long enough you’ll get a free airline ticket, nothing like frequent flyer miles and being able to travel for free!

CON-Responsible for taxes

As an Independent Contractor for Feld Entertainment, the company that produces the Disney on Ice shows, the vendor or operator is completely responsible for filing all tax requirements with the Internal Revenue Service. Contractors are given a 1099 at the end of each tax year. It is imperative that expenses are tracked and logged to assure proper documentation at the end of the tax year.

PRO-Stay in quality hotels for a small fee each week with the rest of the Disney crew

Disney on Ice foots the bill for hotel rooms, asking that each member of the crew pay a small rental fee, usually in the neighborhood of $25-$30 dollars. A small price to pay for nice accommodations for an entire week. When I was a vendor, I stayed in hotels on Miami Beach, Canal Street in New Orleans, and a full suite with kitchen and living room in Salt Lake City.

CON-Away from home for extended periods

This can be a major con for some people who have many responsibilities at home. Disney on Ice Tours usually begin in September and run through March or May, but there is a Christmas break. However, since everyone is an Independent Contractor, there is the freedom of going home at any time that it’s necessary and returning when one is able.

PRO-Foreign travel, the world loves Disney

There is a limited need for vendors/operators to take advantage of foreign travel, but I know of a few people who have traveled to Mexico, Canada, Japan and China. Hawaii, although not foreign, has also been a destination in the past. With Disney, the possibilities are endless.

CON-Long hours

Most Disney on Ice shows are held Wednesday evening thru Sunday afternoon. Saturday is the busiest with 3 shows in one day. Many times morning call is between 9 and noon, workers don’t return to their hotel until about 1030 or 11 pm. This leaves little options for dining and sleep can be missed while in some cities, like Las Vegas.

PRO-High School Graduates can save money  amp; tour colleges

This is an excellent way to save money for college. By not paying for an apartment, car payment or gas, and making money everyday one works, a prospective college student can watch their savings grow. As an added bonus, gaining experience in sales with Disney, and traveling to a variety of places will allow the student in search of the perfect college to tour those they like. Cities I’ve been to include, but are not limited to, San Francisco  amp; Oakland, San Jose, Las Vegas, Columbia SC, and Miami. In Columbia SC we worked in the arena located on the college campus.

The people that would be perfect to take advantage of this opportunity are those over 18 (a requirement), drug free (random testing), able to clear a criminal history background check (required) and have little responsibilities at home. However, anyone meeting the requirements can certainly make the decision to work on the road. My mother, who has a mortgage and a family, has decided to try her hand at this lifestyle. There are a variety of Disney on Ice tours and many of them have just begun their season in September.

What types of jobs are available you ask? Well, think about the last time you went to a Disney on Ice show or Ringling Bros. Circus (the same company produces both). There are tables where customers can purchase novelty items such as lights, t-shirts, plush toys, etc. There are other tables where customers can purchase snow cones, popcorn, and cotton candy. Some choose to be a vendor, which is the person who gets a healthy workout by selling inside the arena seating area. I have personal experience as a cotton candy vendor. And for those that don’t like the idea of a sales position, there are a few office positions but these positions are paid every two weeks and harder to get.

Do you find yourself more and more curious about the opportunity of getting paid to travel with Disney and bring a smile to millions of children in the process? If your over 18, have no problem with random drug tests and can get away for extended periods of time this may be exactly what you’ve been waiting for, and as always, feel free to contact me.