July 27, 2024

Kratom Promises Excellent Health Benefits

A native of South-East Asia, Kratom, has long been associated with amazing health benefits in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The West has discovered this herb recently and today, Kratom is a widely used health aid all over the world. Put simply, the leaf produces rewarding results for health, provided, it is taken in a controlled dose. The post below sheds light on the major health benefits derived from Kratom.


This is certainly the #1 health benefit of Kratom. The leaf is rich in analgesic alkaloids which produce a similar pain-relief effect as that of mild opioids. These alkaloids work on the opiate receptors located in the CNS, which eventually releases endorphins and enkephalins. Both these releases can effectively numb the pain receptors of the body.

In other words, Kratom has been proven to offer moderate to mild pain relief benefits for a wide range of conditions. These include – osteomalacia, osteoarthritis, acute backache, osteoporosis, joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.

Fights depression, stress and anxiety

If you are feeling low, Kratom capsules or powder will be the thing for you. The leaf contains psychoactive elements which release serotonin and other endorphins that can enhance one’s overall mood. Not only does it work as a fantastic mood uplifter, but it also calms down the nerves which help to ease stress or tension. A calm mind is better for dealing with anxiety and related issues, like depression. It’s a common custom to consume Kratom in social gatherings across many South East Asian villages. As the leaf soothes the mind, it’s beneficial for people who suffer from social anxiety.

Excellent energy boost

I must reveal here I personally use kratom for an energy boost. The herb has been proven to fight away acute fatigue effectively and leaving users with a solid energy drive. The leaf regulates one’s blood circulation and that in turn enhances the blood oxygen levels. As a result, the metabolic process gains momentum and rewards the user with solid energy for 2-6 hours. One more thing to note is that Kratom releases certain neurochemicals that support your body with bouts of energy big time. Not only that, these neurochemicals even help in boosting your motivation and focus.

Helps with opiate withdrawal symptoms

This is another great benefit of Kratom, no doubt. The leaf has long been in use to treat opiate withdrawal symptoms effectively. I must stress here that Kratom is no opiate. But the fact is, the leaf can activate brain’s opiate receptors when consumed. It bonds up with these receptors and relaxes the effects of an opioid addiction to some extent.

Kratom works on all the major opiate withdrawal symptoms:

  • vomiting
  • anxiety
  • pain
  • sleeplessness
  • cramps
  • nausea

Fights diarrhea

It’s the parasympathetic nervous line which influences the gastrointestinal tract. Kratom can regulate that very nervous system which slows down peristalsis and eventually helps to fight diarrhea.

Good heart health

Kratom contains beneficial chemical compounds which are great for arteries, blood vessels and hormones. They help to lower down blood pressure, stress and anxiety, which in turn eliminates various cardiac issues like strokes or heart attacks.