July 27, 2024

Online Dating: the Five Keys to Success

So you’re considering an online dating service? It is estimated that more than 20 million people visit at least one online dating service a month, according to Online Dating Magazine-2007. Online dating presents an opportunity to find someone who you can really connect with, if you know how to use these services correctly. Do not hurry to obtain quick results like Cinderella Solution, which might only make things troublesome for you. Here are the five keys to success in online dating.

Number One- Choose the Right Dating Service

With all of the dating services offered, how do you know you will pick the right one? Well everyone is different, and each dating service is also different. There are hundreds of dating websites out there, and choosing the right one means doing your own research to find what fits you. Here are the three most well-known dating services:

eHarmony- With this service, you take a unique compatibility test that questions you on twenty-nine different personality traits and matches you with who you are most suitable to date. This service can be more expensive than others, but they usually offer many introductory deals to those who wait to sign up.

Match.com- This service is often ranked as one of the largest dating services out there, which means you’ll have a better chance at finding Mr. or Mrs. right. Match.com claims over 250,000 people find a partner a year through their site, so they definitely must be doing something right.

Yahoo! Personals- This service currently has the most number of visits among all of the other dating websites. It’s no wonder why this website is becoming a favorite to users, with all the safety features and great customer support, Yahoo! is really setting the bar high for dating services.

Visit About.com for a more in-depth list on the top dating sites.

Number Two- Choose the Right Screen-Name

Your screen-name is usually the first thing people notice when they look at your profile or see you on a list. To many people in the online dating community choose overly-revealing names that don’t leave any room for imagination.

The trick to choosing the right screen-name is to be conservative with what you reveal about yourself in your name. Choose something that represents you for who you really are. Never choose a name like “69sexkitten69” or “Iwannagetmarried”.

Number Three- Create a Successful Online Profile

Creating your online dating profile can seem intimidating at first, and it should be. In traditional dating, people learn about each-other while face-to-face. This advantage is taken away in online dating, and all people have to determine if they want to meet your or not is your online profile.

Creating an online profile, however, can be fairly easy if you know what to include and what not to include. It’s important to not include information that could jeopardize your safety. (Address, phone number, work location, etc.)

When creating your online profile, remember these three things:

Be Honest, Be Positive, and Be Yourself

Number Four- Be Careful With Your Communication

There are two communication mistakes people make in online dating.

Don’t email too many people! Listen it doesn’t matter if you are desperate for a date, emailing every person in your zip code won’t make you find the right person any faster. Be picky with who you communicate with in the online community, find the people who you feel you could connect the most with, and they send your email.

Never answer inappropriate questions in emails! Not only will this give off the wrong impression, but it will make the one you’re emailing think he or she has no limits. Treat your online dating as you would treat traditional dating, you should never answer a question or start talking about a topic that you wouldn’t on a first date.

Number Five- Remember What You’re Here For

Too often people get caught up in emailing back and forth without ever actually meeting in real life. If your intention is to have an “emailing partner” than this is fine, but if your in this for dating, don’t forget to actually go on a date.

Now men and women both have active responsibility in this. It’s usually the man’s responsibility to ask the woman out on the date, you need to keep this a little traditional right? Women if the man you are communicating with does not ask you on a date after a few emails, you really need to ask yourself where this is going. Don’t settle for someone who is not going to move forward, because this wasn’t your intention when you signed up.

Online dating is a growing trend among society today, and it provides a great opportunity to find someone special. Follow this advice, and do some of your own research on the topic, and you will have not problem being successful