July 27, 2024

Top 9 Reasons CBD Oil Is an Incredible Life-Saver

Did you know that millennials today prefer Cannabis oil over doctor-prescribed medicine for mental health benefits? CBD oil-based food products have also been proven to calm down anxiety & pain in both humans and pets. Yes, cannabis oil is excellent for health. If you follow the news at the cannabis radar or at other such leading cannabis-related news sites, you will get to know more about the amazing health benefits of this oil. For those uninitiated, cannabis oil is in no way psychoactive and assures health benefits with little to no side effects. No wonder CBD oil is often termed as an incredible life-saver.

The post below offers a brief on the great health benefits offered by CBD oil.

Combats cancer

Yes, various studies have shown that CBD oil can actually combat cancer effectively. The oil is rich in active ingredients which work to prevent cancerous effects on the body. CBD oil is especially helpful in preventing symptoms of a brain tumor, even those that are inoperable. It has been observed that CBD oil prevents the growth of the tumor which helps the body to get rid of the disease over time. Not only does it prevent the growth of tumors, the oil can also shrink a tumor as well as suppress the growth of cancerous cells. Besides, CBD oil works to promote the destruction of cancerous cells successfully. No wonder CBD oil is widely used today for the treatment of cancer patients, irrespective of age.

Other than fighting cancerous cells, CBD oil offers relief from nasty chemotherapy side effects like anxiety, vomiting and nausea.

Treats epilepsy

The US FDA  legally approved the efficacy of Cannabis oil for epilepsy treatment last year. In 2018, the FDA gave its nod to use cannabis oil for treating seizures common with two kinds of severe and rare epilepsy conditions in patients aged 2 years and older.

In the United States, doctors are allowed to prescribe a Cannabis oil-based medication for treating-

  • LGS (Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome) – a condition commonly found in children between 3-5 years of age. The condition usually involves various types of seizures.
  • DS (Dravet Syndrome) – refers to a rare epileptic condition which is mostly seen in infants. DS is usually characterized by fever-related frequent seizures.

Both the conditions mentioned above are immune to usual medications for epilepsy, and could only be controlled with CBD oil-based medication.

Helps with Diabetes Type 1

This form of diabetes mostly stems from the inflammation caused by attacks on the pancreas by the body’s immune system. Recent research studies have shown that effective consumption of CBD oil can help to reduce inflammation in the pancreas. This way, cannabis oil works to prevent further growth of diabetes in the body.

Aids in quitting smoking

Are you trying to quit smoking, but you just aren’t able to? Well, you will be glad to know that CBD oil can do wonders to assist you in getting rid of that nasty habit. Research studies have shown that smokers who take to CBD inhaling, stop cravings for tobacco or nicotine over time. As a result, they end up smoking less white sticks than usual.

Reduces drug withdrawals

CBD oil can also help to combat drug withdrawals if someone is struggling hard to come out of drug or opioid abuse. As per research studies, CBD aids in lessening the major symptoms of drug disorders as well as withdrawals. These include pain, insomnia, mood-related symptoms and anxiety. Put simply, CBD oil helps to make drug withdrawals more tolerable.

Treats anxiety

CBD oil has been proven to help people suffering from severe anxiety issues. The oil is a must-needed remedy for those down with the following conditions-

  • Generic anxiety disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress or anxiety disorder
  • Social anxiety issues
  • Obsessive-Compulsive disorder
  • Panic disorder

The cannabidiol present in the oil interacts with body’s endocannabinoid system when a user consumes the oil. This interaction boosts the influence of various brain chemicals that work to relax the nerves as well as lessens stress, anxiety, fatigue, and restlessness. A study in 2011 found that when people suffering from SAD were prescribed 600 mg cannabis, they experienced less anxiety and discomfort.

Improves heart health

This is certainly one of the most crucial life-saving benefits of cannabis oil.

It should be stressed here that CBD oil works to enhance heart health as well. When you consume the oil, it balances the negative oils present in your body to keep your heart in optimum condition. The whole process facilitates antioxidant processes by relieving excess cholesterol, which in turn enhances your entire cardiovascular system.

Besides, CBD oil lowers high BP issues, which eventually negates the risks of a cardiac attack, stroke, or a metabolic syndrome.

Great help for Alzheimer’s patients

Research studies have shown that CBD oil can effectively prevent social recognition incapacity in Alzheimer’s patients. It implies that the oil enables Alzheimer’s patients in the initial stages of the disease to retain their capacity to recognize faces of near and dear ones. This way, CBD oil can slow down the progression of this disease.

Facilitates pain relief

CBD oil is an amazing pain reliever. Studies have shown that the oil tends to interact with protein cells & transport chemical signals to the immune system and brain. These signals enable the body cells to respond positively to acute pain. Thanks to CBD oil’s pain killing properties, the oil is advised for regular use for those down with back pain & inflammation. Besides, as mentioned earlier, CBD oil is also effective in lessening severe & unbearable chemotherapy pain as well.

Doctors describe CBD as a “multi-target molecule”. The oil is rich in antioxidant properties, which cast powerful anti-inflammatory effects on the body and helps to alleviate stiffness & pain. Moreover, the oil carries analgesic effect that lessens pain perception for the brain.

So, you have quite a list here. Contrary to popular belief, Cannabis oil does not lead you to addiction but instead assures excellent physical and mental health benefits. However, you should not use CBD oil without expert guidance. If you think the oil would be suitable to treat your specific health condition, you must consult your physician for dosage and directions of consumption.