July 27, 2024

What To Look For While Buying Shower Enclosure

Are you planning to buy a shower enclosure for your bath space? It could be that you want to renovate your bathroom and a shower enclosure would be a great idea for a stylish makeover. That’s great because shower enclosures are amazingly space saving and also add an elegant touch to the bathroom. Now, there is a wide range of shower enclosures available in the market today. And not all would be suitable for your specific bath space. Thus, there is a series of considerations to be made to land up with the most fitting shower enclosure for your bathroom.

The post here offers a brief on the various things to keep in mind while getting a shower enclosure.

Consider the space

This is the primary thing to consider while getting your shower enclosure. If your enclosure does not fit your allotted bath space, then, no matter how beautiful the enclosure is- it will be worthless for your bathroom.

Thus, you must consider the available space for a shower enclosure in your bathroom beforehand. If you don’t get adequate space for separate shower enclosure- you can opt for over-bath shower enclosure. These over-bath options are perched over bathtubs.

Where to place

Are you confused on where to position your shower enclosure? A good idea would be the recess or alcove of your bathroom. If you are worried about space, go for corner enclosures. Don’t worry, you will get a wonderful range of some really stylish corner enclosures today. However, if you can offer sizeable space, a centrally-positioned shower enclosure will be amazing for your bathroom.

Sturdy door runners

The list would be incomplete without the mention of shower door runners for your shower enclosure. The enclosure will be used a number of times throughout the day. And each time, there will be pressure on door runners. It’s to note here door runners are easily prone to wear & tear due to the heavy pressure they have to bear all through the day. Thus, you should make sure to get a shower enclosure with strong and durable door runners.

Consider glass options

The first thing to take note of here is the thickness of the glass of your shower enclosure. You will find enclosures with a variety of glass thickness levels- ranging from 6 mm to 8 to even 10 mm. Now, stronger the level of thickness, stronger is the shower enclosure. So, make your choice accordingly.

The other thing to consider is whether to go for a clear glass shower enclosure or a mirrored-glass option. Clear glass is good to assure easy flow of light inside. However, if you want a space-saving option go for mirrored-glass enclosure. This way, you won’t need extra space to install a mirror. Moreover mirror tends to reflect light which makes a bathroom look more spacious.

Last but not the least, keep in mind the overall décor of your bathroom while choosing the shower enclosure. From vintage to contemporary, you will get enclosures today in a large range of styles. So, make sure to choose a one that perfectly fits the theme of your bath space.