July 27, 2024

A Little Something For Your Bundle Of Joy

It is true that a dog is man’s best friend. Surely, all of you pet owners out there will not disagree. With his little tail wagging happily upon sensing your arrival, his bright eyes ready to greet you with utmost love. You can do anything to make sure that your dog is just as happy as you are. Who wouldn’t want their buddy to be comfortable? A little effort into selecting the best dog wheelchair is very important.

What are dog wheelchairs

Just like humans, dogs also develop disabilities, be it due to their old age, congenital disability or illness or an accident. However, just because your dog cannot walk properly doesn’t mean it is the end of the world. Yes, often, you feel helpless and vulnerable looking at the pain in their pet’s face.

There is still a ray of hope, and that is in the form of wheelchairs.Wheelchairs play an important role in restoring your dog’s mobility and hence restoring his/her quality of life. With the right amount of planning and strategy, you can select the right wheelchair for your dog.

This provides a much-needed alternative than the saddening option of euthanizing your dog in order to put them out of their misery, which is no longer needed!

Reasons why wheelchairs will be extremely appreciated

1.    Boosts your health

Exercise is good for everyone, and this fact holds true for dogs too. With the wheelchair, your dog can have great help in moving around, running and exercising, while increasing motility. Regular walking improves blood circulation in the joints, hence keeping their movement flexible. Physical activity also helps in building muscle and gives a healthy heart and lungs. Brain and nerve coordination also improve drastically. This is especially important in older dogs.

2.    Increases mental clarity and enhances natural instincts

Hunting, chasing, running are natural predatory instincts of dogs. Letting them doing so, instead of keeping them locked inside your house, you should let them do some agility exercises in open fields; this not only makes them comfortable with themselves but also with you, hence making them easily follow your commands. After all, making them happy is the ultimate goal.

Set up different courses of training that allows him to think, thus making him sharp and increasing his alertness.

How to get your dog to adjust to the wheelchair

It is normally very easy to get your dog to adjust to the wheelchair. Sometimes there might be some trouble as the dog might feel uncomfortable with the noises made by the wheelchair or if it gets stuck in furniture.

Is there any other way to get your dog to obey you than bribing him with snacks? It works like magic, as always.

Do not force your dog to try the wheelchair immediately, leave it open and let the dog smell it, to get used to it.

Once your dog seems to have adjusted, put a harness around the dog to give support, hence making it easier to carry around.

Types of dog wheelchairs

Every pet is different and requires specific designs of a wheelchair, hence talk with your Vet about the type of wheelchair your dog needs. They mainly differ in places where your pup needs support, such as rear support, front support, or full support chairs. Consider buying those that produce less friction. Happy pup means happy you, and of course, vice versa.